“A flawless hockey tournament”
Two minor incidents at Frank Robinson Arena
Tempers ran high during the Bantam/ Midget Jean Labonté Hockey Tournament held in Aylmer on the last weekend of November. Gatineau police were called to the Frank Robinson Arena twice.
“Those incidents represent 1% of the tournament; 99% of the comments we received were positive. Parents were very impressed with the tournament’s organization,” reported Martin Roy, organizing committee member. “We received 180 team applications for the tournament’s second edition, and we had to refuse 130 due to lack of space.”
The first incident involving parents and players took place November 26, just after 11 pm. “There was an altercation between parents, but it appeared to be only verbal,” noted Andrée East, of the Gatineau police. “When police arrived, the argument was over.”
The second incident occurred November 27, shortly before 5 pm. “Tensions were running high between two teams. However, organizers were able to maintain control of the situation by keeping both teams in their dressing rooms,” added East. When police arrived both teams had already left the arena.