Are there any ectothermic animals in Parc Deschênes?
Of course there are!
These are animals whose body temperature is linked to that of their environment. It is not produced by the animal itself. This is the case for reptiles that live in the forest, amphibians that frequent bodies of water and fish that abound in the Ottawa River.
You've probably heard of cold-blooded animals. This term can be confusing, as it does not refer to the actual temperature of the animal's blood, but rather to the fact that its temperature varies according to its environment.
When the ambient temperature is cold, the metabolism of ectotherms slows down and they become less active. Conversely, when the temperature rises, they can resume their daily activities, such as hunting and reproduction.
Do you have any idea which group humans fall into?
We'll find out in a future instalment.
(Trans. : BA)