Baseball Québec looking for solutions
I just finished reading an article on how “Baseball Québec Federation” is trying to deal with with the Covid19 situation. The changes considered are: (1) The home plate umpire would be behind the pitcher’s mound; (2) Surgical masks would be worn by umpires and coaches; (3) The catcher would be a few more feet behind the plate (I don’t know about that one), and (4) No more chewing sunflower seeds or gum, so to prevent players from spitting on the field.
As for spitting, I hope all outdoor sports would follow that recommendation, especially hockey and baseball players. There is nothing more disgusting than seeing people (especially athletes) spit all over the place. You don’t see NBA, track and field or beach volleyball spit, so why these? Is it alright to spit just because it’s an outdoor sport?
Bob Rousselle