----- Benefits of Healthy Forests
The Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du Canada (CIF-IFC) invited Canadians from coast to coast to celebrate National Forest Week (NFW), September 20-26. National Tree Day was September 23, 2020.
The 2020 NFW theme is "Healthy Forests, Healthy Future", highlighting that healthy trees make healthy forests, healthy forests make healthy people, and healthy people make healthy communities. Safeguarding the health of Canada’s forests is a critical nature-based solution to mitigate climate change, provide clean air, clean water, and valuable habitats.
Healthy forests benefit us all – this year we’re challenging Canadians to learn more about what health threats our nation’s forests are facing and what we can do to help the forest around us.
There are many ways that Canadians can participate: following the daily sub-themes on CIF-IFC’s social media channels, organizing a tree plant, exploring a forest near their home, or by learning more about forests and sustainable forest management.
Visit the CIF-IFC website (www.cif-ifc.org/national-forest-week/).
Mark Pearson, CIF-IFC
Mattawa, Ont.