------- Bill C-28 needs to be strengthened -- and passed
Earlier this month, Canada’s minister of environment and climate change introduced Bill C-28, Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act, to modernize Canada’s most important environmental law, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. CEPA is the legislation intended to protect the environment and people in Canada from toxic chemicals, harmful substances, pollution and wastes.
This is a historic day! Our Foundation and volunteers have worked tirelessly to get here. We are pleased to see the introduction of Bill C-28, but we are not at the finish line.
Bill C-28 includes amendments to CEPA that recognize for the first time in federal law the right to a healthy environment. Recognition of a right to a healthy environment is important. However, the language needs to be strengthened to ensure that this right has a real impact. We need clear rules for environmental decision-making that protect vulnerable populations and advance environmental justice.
Bill C-28 gives greater authority to the minister of environment and climate change to prohibit the use of substances of highest risk, although important details need to be better defined to prevent loopholes.
As an organizer who worked with volunteers on a campaign to modernize CEPA, I am excited and hopeful that this will lead to a better Canada. We need to ensure Bill-28 is as strong and effective as it can be.
Let your MP know that you want to see Parliament strengthen, pass and implement the act to protect nature and all people in Canada.
Cameron Esler, David Suzuki Foundation