Five years later: What has changed?
A panel discussion on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Quebec Mosque mass shooting:
What has changed since, particularly with respect to gun control and more specifically in terms of access to handguns? Here is the general invitation that contains the Zoom link for the general public: HYPERLINK "https://link.polysesouvient.ca/click/1nUxOkr_ZUfZmK.7kID6cIX-Xm01/F-iCJxfC/3s/polysesouvient.ca/Documents/PROJ_22_01_26_Invitation_gen_5th_Mosque.pdf" n _blankhttps:// polysesouvient.ca/Documents/PROJ_22_01_26_Invitation_gen_5th_Mosque.pdf
Participants :
1) Boufeldja Benabdallah, cofondateur de la Mosquée de Québec (FR)
2) Wendy Cukier, President of the Coalition for Gun Control (EN)
3) Mohamed Khabar, blessé-survivant (Mosquée) (FR)
4) Heidi Rathjen, témoin (Polytechnique), coordonnatrice de PolySeSouvient (FR)
5) Nathalie Provost, blesséesurvivante (Polytechnique) (FR)
6) Kathlene Dixon, témoin et mère d’une survivante (Dawson) (EN)
7) Ken Price, father of survivor, spokesperson for Danforth families for Safe Communities (EN)
PolySeSouvient / PolyRemembers