----- Gatineau Park's management
I am concerned about the on-going issues and responses concerning Gatineau Park and the NCC, raised in your letters section largely by a Mr. Jean-Paul Murray of Chelsea. His on-going citations of the NCC accommodating private property interests at the expense of the public -- or the environment -- are disturbing. The fact that the NCC basically refuses to answer questions or explain its inaction in enforcing federal law I find puzzling. How much faith can we have in our public institutions which refuse to engage with the general public (except to take their entrance fees).
It seems evident that the construction, bridge repair, and general mis-use of parkland for private enjoyment must be challenged -- and explained by the authorities who allow these apparent transgressions to continue.
How is it that public bodies and institutions feel they have no obligation to explain their actions and decisions (or lack of)? We have government MPs representing most of us -- why are they silent on these matters? Where is the movement to make the park a real national park?
These are the sorts of issues which blow up when we least expect, with collateral damage.
Conrad Christie