------- Green recovery from COVID?
I am a devoted mother, concerned citizen, and an ambitious human. I love the opportunities COVID has brought to my family. Yes, it is very difficult to social distance from friends and loved ones. But, at the same time, working from home and home schooling have brought a new peace into our home. We cook and eat together. No rushing and being caught in traffic. We are breathing healthier air from having less cars on the road. We are eating healthier foods from encouraging more than ever local businesses. We are spending more time deepening our relationships and focusing on what is truly important, family and relationships..
My vision of thriving, healthy and sustainable communities includes affordable energy-efficient housing for all, local community gardens, and where principles that include Indigenous rights are respected in all resource decisions, plus that we act daily on the understanding of our interconnection with nature.
What this pandemic has revealed to me, is the future I want for my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I can be very productive from home, and have found a simple efficient way so all enjoy nurturing ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, and our planet.
Karen Coyle