----- I'm fed up!
I am a senior, born in Quebec, the son of a British war bride. My mother was serving British military in London from 1940-45. During the Blitz, those folks endured government imposed curfews, blackouts, and rationing for 5 years. Not to mention nightly bombings. To keep them safe, school children were evacuated and separated from their parents. All British and Canadians there were in harms way every day, yet they persevered to protect the freedoms we have today. I am sure there are similar stories from war-torn regions such as Afghanistan, Syria and others, some of whom are new Canadians. If those folks can endure a few years of such sacrifice and hardship, then why can't today's generation stop whining about having the next few weeks of “stay at home” with all the modern amenities of social media, virtual meetings, school for at home learning, HD TV?
I'm fed up with the anti-maskers, the anti-vaccers, anti-government restricters, anti-curfewers, and the “don't take away my freedom” protesters! Your photo from the day at Parc des Cedres clearly shows how disrespectful and selfish folks are right here in our own backyard. Call it a 3rd wave or 5th wave, it is really pandemic 2.0. The first pandemic is not yet over, and the second is ramping up much worst than the first. Can people today not stop thinking of themselves and put the full effort in to respect our health care advisors and stay at home for just a few weeks so that we can sooner get to a place where we can safely return to those images at Parc des Cedres and elsewhere? So that we can see our family and friends, maybe have a BBQ with them sometime this summer?
Stay home, stay safe and respect your family, friends, neighbours and our esteemed health care professionals.
Bryan Trussler
Aylmer (since 2001)