Local organization announces two free toy and halloween swap events
Sophie Demers
Troc de Jouets, a local organization that organizes toy swap events, has announced a toy swap event on September 25 and a costume and halloween decor swap on October 2 in collaboration with ALÉO. Both events will take place at la Ferme Moore located at 670 Alexandre-Taché from 9am to 3pm alongside the Marché de la Ferme Moore organized by ALÉO.
For the Toy swap, parents can look through the toys in their house and bring them to the event to exchange them for other toys. For example, if an individual brings three childrens toys they can exchange them for three new ones. There will be volunteers on site to organize the toys by age categories to facilitate parents and children finding new toys. The toys will range from ages 0 to 12.
“I started these events and the Troc de Jouets organization because as a mom I noticed the time and effort it took to try to sell or exchange toys on online marketplaces. These events give parents the opportunity to get new toys for their kids without spending money,” said Adriana Motino, founder and events coordinator of Troc de Jouets.
The toy swap event will give parents the opportunity to get new toys if their kids aged out of their old ones, balance the toys if they notice their kid as too much of one type they can exchange for another. The event reduces overconsumption and saves families money.
Toys, books, puzzles, stuffed animals, and costumes are all items that are accepted for ages 0-12. Items that are scribbled in, broken, dirty, don’t worry or are missing pieces will not be accepted. Craft items will also not be accepted. For small toys, a ziploc, milk bag, or bread bag full will equate to a medium toy.
Motion says that she plans to have one toy swap every season.
For the halloween swap on October 2, individuals of all ages can come with costumes or halloween decors to exchange for different ones. Individuals that bring complete costumes can take that many complete costumes in return or exchange them for decor. However, those bringing halloween decor cannot exchange it for a costume but they can exchange it for different decor.
The events are organized in collaboration with ALÉO, a local organization that encourages citizens to buy local and support local businesses through various events.
Photo: Courtesy of Troc de Jouets