Covid-19 update
---Outaouais: schools fully open, non-essential businesses open
With the Québec government’s Covid-19 emergency safety measures now lifted, the Outaouais is in the red zone – meaning that the curfew is from 9:30 pm to 5 am. Police will issue fines ranging between $1,00 and $6,000 to people who break the rules. People aged 14 and under are subject to $500 fines.
Starting on May 28, the curfew will be lifted, and restaurant patios and dining rooms will be allowed to re-open. Private outdoor gatherings of no more than eight people, and inter-regional travel will also be permitted. Stadiums and large indoor halls will be allowed to host events with a potential maximum capacity of 2,500 people.
On June 11, outdoor patios for bars will be allowed to reopen, and supervised sports activities in groups of 25 people will be allowed to resume. On June 25, summer camps will be allowed to resume, as will outdoor public events and activities with certain conditions, lightening of mask wearing restrictions during gatherings for people who have been vaccinated twice and of restrictions in stadiums and large indoor facilities. In August, if more than 75 per cent of people aged 12 and up have their two doses, there should be a gradual alleviation of public safety measures.
Details about the provincial government’s safety regulations are available on its website. People wanting to get tested for Covid-19 are encouraged to consult CISSSO’s online self-assessment tool before calling 1-877-644-4545 to set up an appointment within 24 hours. More COVID-19 related information regarding the Outaouais is available on CISSSO’s website.
--Vaccination update
CISSSO says the entire adult population of the region is now eligible to be vaccinated, anyone can make appointments immediately. For the age group 12-17, the vaccination campaign opens in May 25.