---Parc Renard redevelopment: Skate park, basketball court, playground
In virtue of Parc du Renard’s long-awaited development project, a new skate park with various sports and leisure amenities are coming to Aylmer. Gatineau’s executive committee officially approved to invest approximately $504,000, towards phase two (the rest of the project) of Parc du Renard’s development on April 14. Located on 1651 rue Routhier, the park will see the addition of a concrete skate park, a basketball court with lights, and a playground. It should also include walking trails, a variety of urban furniture, and some greenery, along with a host to water the park’s outdoor rink in the winter.
With the project’s construction kicking off in early May, Lucerne district councillor Gilles Chagnon told the Aylmer Bulletin that the park should be completed in August or September. A project nine years in the making, Chagnon said he’s very happy it’s finally on a path to fruition. “It’s positive,” Chagnon said, stating that he championed the project since the start of his mandate. “People are very happy about this … I promised I would make this happen. It happened just the way I wanted.”
With a severe lack of leisure and sports infrastructure for adolescents in the area, Chagnon said the project is very important for families in the community as it addresses a considerable void. “We have nothing for teenagers,” Chagnon said. “We need places for them to do activities they like.” He added that the project’s timeline was initially delayed due to budgeting constraints.“It cost more than we thought it would,” Chagnon said. “We had to go back into tendering.”