Pontiac Council - grants to community organizations
Mo Laidlaw
Pontiac municipal council met on Tuesday, May 12 at 6 pm, by teleconference, as required by Municipal Affairs, due to the Covid-19 situation. Director general Pierre Said also took part.
Questions from the public (received beforehand)
Lise Sincennes and Julie Robert complained about speeding on ch Crégheur, which is used by walkers, bicyclists and horse riders. The speed limit should be reduced to 40 km/h from 70 km/h. Mayor Joanne Labadie replied that this will be brought up at the Roads committee meeting, next week.
Andrea Goffart asked when the final section of ch de la Montagne will be repaired. Labadie explained that all the studies, plans and engineer’s specifications are complete, but the issue is cost. $1.8 million was budgeted, but the lowest tender was $3.4 million. Council will be deciding soon how to proceed.
Xavier Daneau-Ferland recently renovated a cottage and rents it out for a few weeks in the summer and some weekends, to help defray the costs of renovation. Unfortunately the evaluation has increased from $135,700 to $335,700, with the resulting tax bill going from $1,100 to $4,000, including a supplement for commercial use. Mayor Labadie explained that evaluation is carried out by the MRC des Collines, not the municipality. He should contact the evaluation department.
Diane Lacasse asked “Is it true that a member of council used a municipal vehicle for personal use?” Labadie replied, “No, I’m the only member of council who has used a municipal vehicle and it was for municipal purposes, for a project planned in collaboration with the director general and the public works department.”
Public works
The works department will buy 4,500 tonnes of gravel for work on roads including replacing 30 culverts, for a maximum of $45,000. Since there are several local gravel pits, the gravel will be purchased according to the best availability of size of gravel required, cost, and distance from the work site.
The contract for renewal of the sewage system on Saint-Andrew and Saint-John streets in Quyon specified that supervision fees would be a percentage of the value of the contract. TGC Inc were awarded the contract for $1,767,185. Équipe Laurence tendered to supervise for 3.1% of the value of the contract, an additional $33,083 over the municipality’s estimate. This work is eligible for a TECQ grant (gas tax).
A majority of council voted in favour of paying $6,882 for a feasibility study of using LED light fixtures in street lights. If council proceeds, the cost of the study will be deducted from the cost of the project. Council reiterates its desire to go ahead with the agreement with the FQM for the award of a contract to Énergère for replacing street lights.
The developer of Domaine des Chutes will pay the fees for creating a drainage servitude on two lots on ch de l’Aventure. This is the new road on the north side of ch Hôtel de Ville in Luskville. Ditches have been dug, leading to the Crique Alarie - the stream that forms the Luskville Falls and continues west across ch Alary. The servitude allows the municipality access to the ditch.
Financial assistance during the Covid-19 crisis
The following amounts are approved:
Maison de la famille de Quyon, $8,000; Centre Kogaluk, $500 and Table autonome des Aînés, $1000; a total of $9,500.
Council will support other community organizations when they resume activities.
The Ministry of Transport has changed the financing of interurban transport. The grant has increased from $150,000 to $185,000. As a result the municipality’s contribution to Transcollines is reduced to $11,309 for 12 months. (At the February meeting it was reported that Pontiac’s contribution to the Transcollines’ transport service on route 148 into the city was $23,814.)
Two truck drivers have been hired: Christian Philippe as class 4, and Owen Teevens as class 3. (These refer to the class of driving licence required for different vehicles.)
The urbanism department has hired Natacha Sylvestre as a clerk until March 1, 2021, during a permanent employee’s parental leave.
Fixed expenses of $479,849 for April.
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