Predicting the future?
Everyone is predicting the future, post-COVID. And most of their predictions are about huge changes coming to Canadian society. Do these people have no modesty! They feel confident they can predict what was unpredictable a few months ago, this very pandemic we are living with?
So many compare our present pandemic with the great epidemics of the past -- the “Black Plague” of the Middle Ages, or the Spanish Flu after the first world war. These disasters unfolded for years -- years!! -- and yet we have only reached two or three months of COVID. How can they compare them? It is like comparing the recent rail blockades -- to the Korean War! Both are important, but at very different levels.
Let us be real. What can be changed, and what not? Many predict that the world of multi-national corporations will just close up and go away so we can build a better world. Really?
R. Butros