Pseudo-intellectuals with masochistic interest in self-flagellation
Editorialist Fred Ryan wants “a constitutional convention to re-draw our entire nation" and establish, I surmise, another Marxist/socialist state. That could help us win a future bid for a seat on the UN Security Council, with the support of Mainland China's dictatorship. He's convinced Canada lost, this time around, because we are perceived as a nation that mistreats its indigenous people and is the USA's “right-hand .... enabler .... hit-man”. That other nations may not consider us that important seems not to have crossed his mind.
Remember, “We're back!”, the announcement to the world that Canada would, henceforth, be more sensitive to issues of justice, equality, and empathy? It was bombast. In the past five years, we've come across, as a posturing, mouthy, obsequious nation ready to lecture others, while doing little of substance ourselves. We're viewed as weak, pompous, unprincipled, and unreliable..
We take the USA for granted: friends, if we need their help; acquaintances, when they're objects of undeserved scorn, With a hypocritical knee-to-the- ground, we criticize Americans, and pander to social-media addicts.
On a different note, the staff of this paper should feel no guilt, if they have not yet fathomed where and how they erred. Bianca Baldo's sociologese is difficult to understand. The Bulletin should worry, however, that if Tania Lambert were in power, the paper would be closed for having printed heretical material and its staff sent to a re-education camp, there to burn books. You guessed it: I'm tired of virtue-signalling, pseudo-intellectuals who have a masochistic interest in self-flagellation and think I should feel guilty about being white and privileged. I'm prepared to answer to my God for how I treat others.
Ronald Lefebvre