Replay to Ian Barrett: ecology opinions are lies, wouldn’t even use the Bulletin for toilet paper
After having read your article in The Bulletin I realised you would not see the
truth if it starred you in the face.
Your support of the propaganda tells me you have swallowed every lie the
legacy media tells all over the television and radio. You have been duped
like so many have.
The war in Ukraine has NOTHING to do with the oil prices being so high.
Absolutely zero. Canada gets less than 1% (0.9%) of our crude oil from
Europe. Not even enough to mention on Stats Canada list.
As for electric cars, have you not read the stories of European electric buses
catching fire or exploding all over the continent? Have you not researched
about the mining of those ingredients that go in those batteries?
Child laborers with pennies in pay is who do the mining in some countries so you can have your fancy electric car.
Lithium, cobalt and nickel are dangerous to mine let alone children going
to those mines and working for pennies while endangering their lives. They
should not have to do this in order to live just so YOU can have a fancy
car to show off to your co-workers, friends and family and hit your chest
and saying "I did my part in saving the planet" which also is a crock. Another
issue that nobody talks about is the disposal of these batteries, the cost
behind it and replacement of said batteries. Imagine that.
I would suggest you get out of your bubble you live in, and look around
you and seek the truth instead of believing all the lies you hear not to
mention spreading them through your editorial you write in the Bulletin.
Like I told my husband before reading your editorial, I do not read any of
those Bulletin stories and would not even use the paper for toilet paper.
Hopefully this letter will help you open your eyes and understand
a bit more of what seems to be ignored by so many.
Lynda Legault-LeBrun