------ Road conditions in Aylmer North
The road conditions on Antoine-Boucher and Perry Roads are deplorable and dangerous. They have been in disrepair for decades. I invite our Councillors: go for a walk or take a bike on these roads to get your adrenaline pumping! These roads are used by automobiles, pedestrians and cyclists. Aylmer North is growing with housing projects so there is continually more traffic in this area. These roads have a maximum speed of 60 km. Automobiles travel 70+ km. The speed should be lowered to 50 km, as in a residential area.
The picture below shows the condition of Antoine-Boucher’s road shoulder. In some places, it is non-existent. And where there is a shoulder, it has a steep incline right into the ditch. So you either get hit by a car or jump into the swampy ditch. This is not safe for daytime let alone anyone using these roads at night.
How about putting some of our taxpayer money into road construction for everyone’s safety and benefit?
Diane Paquette