Stay informed
Upcoming Gatineau council and committee meetings
Sophie Demers
Thursday, October 24:
- Commission du vivre-ensemble (CVE): 1:30pm, Salle Mont-Bleu in the Maison du citoyen or by video conference. To attend or address the commission, residents must email by noon the day before the meeting or be present in-person at the meeting.
- Commission sur les transports, les déplacements durables et la sécurité (CTDDS): 5:00pm by videoconference. To attend the meeting or address the commission, residents must email to register.
Monday, October 28:
- Comité consultatif d'urbanisme (CCU): 5:30pm, Salle Mont-Bleu in the Maison du citoyen or by video conference. To attend or address the commission, residents must email by noon the day before the meeting or attend the meeting in person.
- Conseil local du patrimoine (CLP): 5:30pm, Salle Mont-Bleu in the Maison du Citoyen. To address the council, residents must email to register. After the question period, the council’s discussion is closed to the public.
Tuesday, October 29:
- Comité sur les demandes de démolitions (CDD): 4:30pm in Salle Mont-Bleu in the maison du Citoyen. The meeting is also available by video conference. If an individual wants to address the commission, they must go in person or attend online. The link to the meeting can be found on the City of Gatineau website under “réunion a venir”.