----- Talking about climate change?
Everybody is talking about our climate emergency, but hardly anyone is doing anything about it even in their personal lives and habits. Maybe we, as individuals, cannot close down the Transmountain Pipeline (or Line 3 and others) -- some injustices are just too holy for Mr Trudeau's intervention -- but we do have more control the closer we get to home. Our municipalities, city or rural, are sensitive to the real people populating them (as opposed to provincial and federal governments which seem to be the guard dogs on behalf of our corporate rulers). Our neighbourhoods are even more responsive, and our own homes, our family budgets and travel plans -- these are all under our direct control. And yet, in the end, our family actions and personal purchases do not reflect our concern for the climate we are leaving for our grandchildren. We are talking about the future ... but we are doing absolutely nothing in real terms about it.
Am I wrong? Are you actually limiting your consumer purchases, your travel, your energy use, and so on? You are doing concrete things to help? Really?
Paul Quirk