Unproven nuclear technology coming upstream?
Global First Power (with Ultra Safe Nuclear Limited and Ontario Power Generation) applied for a license for a small modular nuclear reactor (SMR) in July, constructed at Chalk River. The public was invited to comment - deadline was September 14th. Many organizations made submissions.
We have submitted comments to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on the environmental assessment. OFWCA endorses the submission by the Canadian Environmental Law Association & Dr. Ramana (see CNSC submissions site)
This will be Canada’s first SMR. This is new, unproven, and experimental technology and GFP will be situated close to the Ottawa River. “HTGR”s, GFP’s technology has a spotty safety record and is prone to failures that could lead to accidents releasing radioactivity into the environment and contaminating the Ottawa River, jeopardizing millions of Canadians downstream. The use of enriched uranium raises concerns about international agreements: risk of accidents with this fuel, proliferation risks, the necessity for increased security, etc. Another issue is one hundred truck loads to be transported from the US to Chalk River (as stated in GFP’s virtual townhall). The lack of information in GFP’s Project Description regarding the decommissioning of this SMR and the dumping of more radioactive waste at Chalk River is disturbing.
Submissions are posted here: http://nuclearsafety.gc.ca/eng/the commission/hearings/cmd/index.cfm#hearing-202006
Johanna Echlin, Fort-William
Cottagers Association
(OFWCA) Ft William (Pontiac)