------- Words of honey need actions behind them
From an article in The Guardian I note that Canada’s government has asked for forgiveness from Indigenous peoples for its actions, but Latinos say its colonial practices continue across Latin America, this time in the form of mining projects – often in territories claimed by Indigenous people and which have contributed to environmental degradation, forced displacement and human rights abuses.
Across the Americas, Indigenous people fare significantly worse in the vast majority of indicators, from multidimensional poverty to life expectancy and employment prospects.
Beyond symbolic measures and feeble declarations of solidarity, many are now demanding concrete, tangible improvements to their lives after centuries of seeing their demands marginalised or dismissed. Yet these peoples -- nations -- have maintained their basic cultures, and now deserve reparations
For every act of genocide, because this is what many of these Canadian mining projects are, there needs to be economic, political and social reparation. Only then can Canada and all cultures here move towards self-determination and equality. Lastly, the restitution of lands to Indigenous peoples across the Americas is waiting for Canada's actions.
P. Murillo