---Quebec invests $400,000 to adapt living spaces for seniors
On April 8, the provincial government announced a $395,500 investment for the Outaouais dedicated to adapting living spaces to the specific needs of senior residents. According to a press release issued by the Minister responsible for seniors and informal caregivers on the same date, the announcement came following a call for projects as part of the Programme Québec amis des aînés (QADA). The funding will be used to finance the Association québecoise de défense des droits des retraités’ – AQDR-Outaouais – inter-generational talking library project ($248,320), and the Table de concertation des aînées et des retraités de l’Outaouais’ – TCARO - Aînés d’exception en Outaouais project ($147,180).
Delighted to make the announcement, Papineau member of the National Assembly, Quebec Minister of families, and Minister responsible for the Outaouais Mathieu Lacombe said the investment is great news for the region since it should directly benefit seniors and their families by funding innovative projects. “I thank and congratulate all the organizations that proposed innovative projects, because these projects make a big difference in our community,” Lacombe stated in the press release. “Our government is proud of supporting you in realizing these initiatives.”
Quebec Minister responsible for seniors and informal caregivers Marguerite Blais echoed similar sentiments. “Communities’ power to act is a wealth for Québec, as witnessed by hundreds of projects benefiting seniors over the years spearheaded by community organizations,” Blais said in the press release. “So, we are able to create safe and welcoming environments for seniors.”
The projects’ budget includes approximately $7.2 million in financial aid. The final call for projects was from August 31 to October 21. The QADA program’s goal is to financially support non-profit organizations’ local, regional, and national initiatives aiming to adapt living spaces to the needs of senior residents and contribute to the provincial government’s objectives regarding active aging. The provincial government’s support for organizations working with seniors to carry out these initiatives is part of the Un Québec pour tous les âges action plan (2018-2023). It is the Quebec government’s second action plan in virtue of the Vieillir et vivre ensemble, chez soi, dans sa communauté, au Québec policy.